Trends & Insights

Share We are committed to helping healthcare providers and patients better manage the financial experience. Here you will find resources on a wide range of topics including healthcare receivables and disbursements management, patient financing, patient payment experience, and healthcare banking. Continue Reading Published
340B ESP Management – Quality Assurance Tips

Share Select drug manufacturers have begun deploying restrictions or limitations on the sale of their products through the 340B program. There are a variety of quality assurance exercises to complete that will ensure 340B ESP is facilitating the manufacturer restrictions appropriately. Since 2020, select drug manufacturers have begun deploying restrictions or limitations on the sale […]
Unlock Greater 340B Savings

Share How to capture claims and savings that are often missed. The 340B program serves as a lifeline for many communities, allowing them to provide critical services to vulnerable, underserved patients. But unfortunately, the industry faces a spectrum of challenges, from mounting drug manufacturer restrictions to incomplete referral claims capture, which hinder a covered entity’s […]
Best Practices: Is Your Hospital’s Accounts Payable Program Still Working for You?

Share Hospitals are pouring a wealth of resources and time into transforming how care is delivered, and sometimes, the Accounts Payable department gets left out when it comes to innovation. A patient might receive a revolutionary new treatment or visit their doctor via telemedicine, while the very vendor who provides those services is still being cut a […]
Offering Long-Term Payment Plans to Meet the Financial Needs of Patients

Share As healthcare payment liability continues to shift to patients, it has become increasingly important for healthcare organizations to offer convenient and accessible patient payment options. Prior to COVID-19, the exponential growth of high deductible health plans along with rising consumerism drove the need for more flexible payment vehicles. While those drivers are still valid, […]
How to Improve the Patient Financial Experience and Revenue Cycle Process

Share Patient financial management is no longer just a post-encounter, back-office effort. Modern patient financial management demands providers engage and educate patients about cost expectations as well as payment and financing options. During a virtual roundtable discussion sponsored by CommerceHealthcare® as part of Becker’s 6th Annual Health IT + Revenue Cycle Conference, attendees discussed challenges and experiences with […]
Duplicate Discounts Under 340B Program

Share There are not that many core requirements within the 340B Statute. For being on its face, what appears a fairly “simple” program, it is instead turning into a mighty complicated program. One of two main requirements is “no duplicate discounts.” A Possible Solution for Preventing Duplicate Discounts under 340B Program There are not that many core requirements […]
Healthcare Finance Trends for 2023: A Mid-Year Update

Share In late 2022, CommerceHealthcare® published its annual look ahead and assessment of leading issues and opportunities influencing providers. Healthcare Finance Trends for 2023 — Multiple Intersecting Challenges (Trends Report) offered themes in four overarching categories: Financial Patient financial experience Digital transformation Building trust As a leading bank, Commerce Bank maintains active industry and economic surveillance to help […]
Referral Claims Capture

Share Capturing referral claims is no doubt an important step to take to optimize 340B savings in your program. Here, we will define what a referral claim is, and why a covered entity can and should be capturing many of these prescriptions, and how to capture referral claims. What is a referral prescription or claim? […]
The Impact of Provider Enrollment

Share Play Video By Jenn Bui Published