Online Healthcare Education Courses
Hospitals are learning environments.
Whether required by regulation or best practice, education is necessary to keep your employees up to date. Outside vendors should provide best-in-class virtual content specific to your needs, as well as a learning management system that will enable your leaders to ensure compliance.
Preferred Partner
careLearning is an online education company designed to help your hospital by providing reliable, trusted, and easily-accessible talent management solutions.
Our competency, eLearning, and performance products are developed to ensure that your employees are provided with the appropriate training and education based on an assessment of the skills, knowledge and abilities required and an evaluation of our job performance.
careLearning is a non-profit organization operated by more than 40 state hospital associations. We recognize that in today’s ever-changing marketplace, ensuring that your employees are up-to-date on the latest training can feel like trying to hit a moving target. careLearning can help you stay ahead of the game with unmatched customer service and top-of-the-line Learning Management Systems and Programs that are perfectly suited for your organizational needs.
NIMS Compliance Series
Do your employees understand their role in the event of an emergency?
Do you want emergency preparedness training that addresses the requirements of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Department of Homeland Security? We can help!