Operations & Revenue

Healthcare Cost Management

In their effort to get the most value out of their supply chains, most hospitals have affiliated with a GPO. While the value offered by a GPO can be substantial, it is worth independently examining non-labor spending on a regular basis.

Vendors who provide a Cost Management service should have deep expertise in healthcare. Some will agree to share risk with the engagement and only accept payment if savings are found. Data mining should be converted to a dynamic information portal that offers the ability to drill down into spending by department and even by individual.

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ERA is a cost reduction consultancy that excels at finding savings in non-core, overhead cost categories.

With specialists in more than 40 supplier industries, we connect your organization to expertise and resources beyond what is practical for most organizations to possess internally. This, combined with our proprietary suite of sophisticated analytical tools and benchmark pricing data, enables them to identify savings that most organizations are unable to achieve on their own.

ERA finds average savings of 10-30%. Our consultants continue to work with clients to ensure that new services are implemented, and savings projections are achieved.

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David Thorpe
(425) 868-8081
In addition to the meaningful positive financial impact that this engagement will have, my team has also benefitted from ERA's shared industry knowledge, insights, and best practices across a variety of disciplines such as supplier sourcing, supplier management, and contract compliance.
Jodi Joyce
CEO, Unity Care Northwest
ERA's work will deliver over $1 million in net cashflow savings over a 3-year period
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