
Women’s Healthcare Leadership Program

Women in leadership face unique obstacles. One small example is how women are often judged not just on how successful they are, but on how ‘nice’ they are while achieving success. For a variety of reasons, women can benefit from development that is customized to help them achieve their potential.

Women make 80 percent of health care purchase and usage decisions, but hold fewer than 20 percent of executive health care leadership roles nationwide (though likely higher in Washington). Healthcare organizations that invest in developing their female leaders will be better prepared to care for their patients. Such leadership programs should focus on skills that evidence suggests can be under-developed in women. They should showcase examples of women in leadership positions and provide opportunities to help women develop their professional networks.

News and Resources

Advance your career through impactful leadership and become a resilient leader in today’s ever-evolving workplace.

There is no better time than now to empower women to maximize their unique strengths and prepare them for their journey to senior leadership.

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Embark on a transformative journey with our Women’s Healthcare Leadership Program, a pioneering initiative designed to empower and uplift women in the healthcare industry. Our 10-week virtual program is a beacon for those aspiring to ascend to senior leadership roles, fostering a community of trailblazers committed to breaking glass ceilings and championing gender equity.

Women Empowerment
Empowerment is at the core of our program. We believe in nurturing the unique strengths and talents of women, providing them with the tools and confidence to navigate the intricate landscape of healthcare leadership. Through skill-building workshops, peer coaching, and inspirational talks from accomplished women executives, participants will emerge as empowered catalysts for positive change.  

Journey to Senior Leadership
Chart your course to the summit of leadership.
Our program offers a meticulously crafted curriculum that delves into the essential skills and knowledge required for senior leadership roles. From strategic decision-making to effective communication and resilience, participants will build the competencies needed to elevate their careers.

Networking and Connections
Forge meaningful connections that last a lifetime. Engage with industry leaders, faculty, and peers through peer coaching and panel discussions. Build a robust network that will not only support your current journey but also open doors to future opportunities. 

Module Topics

Executive Presence 
In this module, we will unpack the term “executive presence” – define what it really means and how we should think about it for ourselves. How do you own a room and show up as the best version of yourself – especially when you feel that pressure to perform, or when you don’t feel like you even have a seat at the table? During this session, you will learn frameworks and best practices for how to show up in high-stakes moments with confidence and comfort. Please expect to have fun, practice new skills, and discover authentic behaviors that you can incorporate immediately. Bring your growth mindset to this event and raise your hand to volunteer – you’ll get out more of the experience when you engage!

  • The 7 Observable Behaviors
  • Powerful introductions and presence coaching moments
  • Flexing communication styles to engage and influence

Insights for Empowered Negotiation
Unlock the power of negotiation and elevate your leadership journey with our workshop tailored for women leaders. Through real-time simulations, interactive discussions, and research-based frameworks participants will learn to navigate negotiations more confidently and effectively. This dynamic program includes an in-depth exploration of key negotiation concepts, proven negotiation strategies, and a supportive environment for women leaders to hone their abilities, share insights, and expand their networks—ultimately fostering a community of more empowered and impactful professionals.

Day 1: Negotiation Fundamentals
Negotiation Exercise: Kukui Nuts (Lesson: “Grow the Pie”)
Core Concepts: Interests, BATNA, ZOPA, Reservation Price, Aspiration Price, Issue Types, Negotiator’s Dilemma
Strategies: Mental Models, Active Listening, Reciprocal Self-Disclosure

Day 2: Building on the Basics
Negotiation Exercise: New Recruit (Lesson: “Grow the Pie & Get Your Slice”)
Strategies: Offensive Strategies (e.g., Anchoring, Fluency, Control the Frame) & Defensive Strategies (e.g., Silence, Centering, Positivity)
Insights: Gender, Leadership, Power

A Tale of Numbers: The Role of CFO as Chief Storyteller
Transform your view of the role of the CFO in an organization and create a dynamic partnership between finance and operations through storytelling. Through shifting your lens of finance from numbers to the story behind them, you’ll learn to share and receive financial information in a way that promotes engagement. This program is catered to women leaders across the healthcare landscape, and provides concrete tools to frame your perspective and ideas to drive understanding of the financial impact of decisions, engagement and partnership. 

  • Understand why it’s important to recognize the CFO as the conscience
    of the organization and how to engage them to guide sound financial
    decision making
  • Learn to define your finance-related conundrum (or opportunity) to
    discuss it with your partners in an efficient, collaborative manner
  • Identify ways to be the opposite of “they” or “finance said” as a financial
    leader and create an environment of partnership on the operational side
  • Translate technical information to demystify healthcare finances

Impostor Syndrome, Organizational Culture & Building High Performing  Teams 
This training will support leaders in understanding how they can identify, support, and create opportunities for their direct reports to address their Impostor Syndrome within their work context and build higher  performing teams. We will discuss leadership styles that can be triggering for Impostor Syndrome and how to shift these types of behaviors to be more productive and supportive. The session will also  allow leaders the opportunity to consider the overall organizational culture as well as team culture and how they can work on aspects to create greater psychological safety and opportunities to really support growth, high performance behaviors and healthy work relationships.

  • To increase awareness of leaders’ strengths, blind spots, and challenges,
    as it relates to impostor syndrome and team functioning
  • To learn some of the research backed strategies to increase productivity
    and performance
  • To understand what types of environments and cultural behaviors
    reinforce Impostor Syndrome (i.e., overworking, burnout and self-sabotage) which can decrease long-term performance of teams
  • To examine the gender differences in the experience of impostor
    syndrome and leadership and how to maximize the strengths and work
    on the areas that require development
  • To better understand impostor syndrome triggers for yourself and
    your direct reports and how to respond to them in useful developmental
    ways to help increase feelings of belonging, commitment and connection
    to one’s work
  • To learn the best leadership strategies to discuss and neutralize impostor syndrome and create psychologically safe environments where members
    feel valued
  • To develop a Leadership Action Plan to proactively counter Impostor Syndrome with members of your team and team culture so that you
    have a greater grasp on how to increase the effectiveness and commitment 
    of your team to their mission

Elevate. Connect. Thrive.

The Women’s Alumni Community is a vibrant and dynamic space where the journey doesn’t end – it evolves! Join a community that thrives on continuous growth, unwavering support, and the boundless potential of women leaders in healthcare. The Women’s Alumni Community provides a platform for meaningful interactions, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, share insights, and celebrate the collective achievements of a community that propels each other forward. Whether you’re scaling new heights in your career or navigating uncharted territories, you’re not alone. Embrace the power of community and continue your learning journey.

Women’s Alumni Community
Annual fee: $375 per person, includes an in-person event and 3 virtual workshops

View Workshop Schedule

April 18 – June 20, 2024
8:30 – 11:30 AM PT every Thursday

Instructor-led sessions via Zoom

$2,850 per person

Program fee includes course materials, certificate of completion, and 1-year membership to the Women’s Alumni Community.

A digital Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants upon successful completion of the program. Successful completion of the program will be based on attendance of virtual sessions. 

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Erica Boothby, PhD

Erica Boothby is an award-winning instructor of Negotiations at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. A social psychologist by training, Erica’s research examines decision-making and social influence. She explores the psychological processes underlying people’s (often misguided) beliefs about the impact they have on others in everyday social interactions, including conversations, shared experiences, and acts of kindness. 
Erica’s research has been published in leading academic journals, including Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Trends in Cognitive Sciences, and it has featured in media outlets such as The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, and National Public Radio’s Hidden Brain. Prior to arriving at The Wharton School, Erica completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at Yale University and was a Fellow in the Behavioral Economics and Decision Research Center at Cornell University.


Jenna Lange

As founder and CEO of Lange  International, Jenna has advised executives and their teams in high stakes communications for more than 20 years. She cut her teeth at pitch coaching in the mid-2000s in NYC’s financial district. Investment bankers quickly learned that Jenna was their secret weapon in closing deals as she guided teams to get the story and delivery just right – from the first meeting all the way to IPO. This talent for helping leaders in their most critical communication moments has helped Jenna grow a successful boutique consulting firm and work with some of the world’s most influential companies. The Lange team is known for the care and efficiency with which they help individuals transform their communication impact.

Having lived in Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, Jenna is passionate about language and culture and speaks fluent Spanish and Portuguese. She brings that global focus to keynote presentations delivered throughout the LATAM, EMEA and APAC regions.


Kimberly McNally, MN, RN, BCC

Kimberly McNally, MN, RN, BCC, provides expert coaching to health care leaders, teams and boards to find new ways of thinking and interacting as they face dramatic shifts in complexity,  volatility, and change in their workplaces and markets. She has coached executive and hi-potential leaders working in hospitals/health systems, long term care, health plans, FQHCs, and physician practices across the country.  In addition, she has served leaders in higher education, public school districts, trade associations, and social enterprise organizations.  Kimberly draws on 25+ years of executive coaching experience, 35 years of serving on non-profit boards, leadership experience in healthcare delivery, account management and organizational development and clinical roots as a nurse.  As a trustee, she was actively involved in creating policies,  structures, and systems to improve quality and safety, advance diversity and inclusion, and reduce health disparities. She is committed to supporting clients to find their “growing edges” and make choices about how they want to make a bigger contribution.  By focusing on expanding their leadership capacity, Kimberly’s clients find they can inspire others to step up to help solve the challenges facing the healthcare industry and experience more satisfaction, effectiveness and fulfillment.


Lisa Orbé-Austin, PhD

Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin is a licensed psychologist and executive coach, with expertise in Imposter Syndrome, career advancement, and leadership  development. She is a co-founder and partner of Dynamic Transitions Psychological Consulting, a career and executive coaching consultancy, where she works mostly with high potential managers and executives.

She earned her doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Columbia University. Her views about career advancement, job transitions, leadership, and diversity & inclusion are regularly sought by the media and she has appeared in outlets such as The New York Times, NBC News, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Refinery29, Business Insider, and Insight Into Diversity. She has been honored twice as a Top Voice on LinkedIn in the areas of Job Search & Careers and Mental Health. Dr. Orbé Austin has been an invited speaker at various national conferences. She gave a TEDx talk entitled “The Impostor Syndrome Paradox: Unleashing the Power of You.” She regularly consults with organizations in the private sector, non-profits, and educational institutions in supporting their employees and senior leadership teams to address gender bias, diversity, equity, & inclusion concerns, leadership development, effective communication, team cohesion, and managing conflict management.


Hilary Whittington, CPA, MBA

Hilary Whittington is a healthcare financial and operational leader with a background in Institute financial leadership and development; critical access hospital financial and operational leadership; and rural healthcare audit and reimbursement strategies.

As the Chief Financial Officer for MultiCare’s Institutes, Hilary works with Pulse Heart Institute (est. 2016), MultiCare Cancer Institute (est. Jan 2024) and MultiCare Neurosciences Institute (in development).  In this role,  Hilary is responsible for establishing the framework of the institutes, managing their financial & strategic health, and designing horizontal and vertical reporting to meet the needs of a diverse group of stakeholders. Each of MultiCare’s institutes is on a different phase of its journey as MultiCare invests in the importance of comprehensive care delivery across all locations and regions – it is essential to honor the individuality of each institute while also creating shared practices and efficiencies.  On behalf of each institute, she focuses on partnering with physicians and administrators across hospitals and networks to ensure alignment. Working with institutes requires an innovative approach – teamwork is one of Hilary’s passions, as is sharing the story behind numbers in a way that brings contributors and decision makers together to drive results.

Serving previously as a rural (critical access) hospital Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer, Hilary knows first-hand about the importance of the connection between operations and finance, and strives to connect these functions at every opportunity. 

Jennifer Willey

Jennifer Willey launched Wet Cement in 2017 to help ‘lay the foundation’ for inclusive, empowered and equitable cultures that drive innovation, growth and loyalty. Her Advance Women at Work practice specializes in gender equity and inclusive leadership through speaking, training, coaching and consulting with Fortune 500 companies around the globe. She is the Gender Equality and Inclusivity Expert Advisor to Comexposium Japan and the global association DPAA.

Prior to launching Wet Cement, Jenn had a unique career journey traversing being a television news anchor and reporter for ABC and CBS, and leading sales, strategy, and marketing teams for two decades at WebMD, Everyday Health, Sharecare, Yahoo and AOL. She also actively contributes to women’s health as a fitness instructor for 30+ years.

Jennifer received her undergraduate degree and certification in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University. Jennifer is honored as one of the few CEOs heading a Woman-Owned and Disability-Owned certified business, highlighting her dedication to diversity and empowerment. She is a member of the National Speaker’s Association and SHRM.


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Jenn Bui
My experience with the Women’s Leadership Program was outstanding! The speakers, course content and collateral were great. The certification I received has bolstered my career path as a health care executive and the collaborative nature of the structure is ideal for women leaders representing organizations of any size. I would take the course over again for sure and highly recommend it!
Jennifer Capps
Chief Development and Communication Officer, Mason Health